Here are some free resources for learning JavaScript

Here are some free resources for learning JavaScript:

  1. Codecademy – Codecademy is an online platform that offers a range of courses on programming and web development, including a comprehensive course on JavaScript. The course is free to access and includes interactive exercises and projects to help you practice what you’ve learned. You can find the course here:
  2. FreeCodeCamp – FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that offers a range of free courses on web development, including JavaScript. The course includes interactive challenges and projects to help you practice your skills. You can access the course here:
  3. MDN Web Docs – MDN Web Docs is a comprehensive resource on web development, including JavaScript. It includes a wide range of tutorials, documentation, and reference materials on JavaScript and other web technologies. You can access the JavaScript documentation here:
  4. – is a website dedicated to learning JavaScript. It includes a range of tutorials and exercises to help you learn the language, as well as resources for more advanced topics. You can access the resource here:
  5. Khan Academy – Khan Academy is an online education platform that offers a range of courses on programming and computer science, including JavaScript. The course includes interactive exercises and video lectures to help you learn the basics. You can access the course here:

In addition to these resources, you may also find it helpful to practice your skills by working on small projects or participating in online coding challenges. This will help you get a feel for how to apply your knowledge in a practical setting and build your confidence as a JavaScript developer.

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