How to Install the Firebase JavaScript library and VueFire to integrate Firebase into your Vue.js application in detail

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How to Install the Firebase JavaScript library and VueFire to integrate Firebase into your Vue.js application in detail

  1. Installing the Firebase JavaScript library:
  • To install the Firebase JavaScript library, you can use the following command in the root directory of your Vue.js project:
npm install firebase
  1. Installing VueFire:
  • VueFire is a Vue.js plugin that allows you to easily integrate Firebase into your Vue.js application.
  • To install VueFire, you can use the following command in the root directory of your Vue.js project:
npm install vuefire
  1. Integrating Firebase into your Vue.js application:
  • Once you have installed the Firebase JavaScript library and VueFire, you can import them in your Vue.js application and configure them to connect to your Firebase project.
  • In your main.js file, you will need to import the Firebase library and initialize it with the configuration details of your Firebase project:
import firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/firestore'

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "API_KEY",
  authDomain: "AUTH_DOMAIN",
  databaseURL: "DATABASE_URL",
  projectId: "PROJECT_ID",
  storageBucket: "STORAGE_BUCKET",
  messagingSenderId: "MESSAGING_SENDER_ID",
  appId: "APP_ID"

  • Then, you need to import VueFire and use it in your Vue instance:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueFire from 'vuefire'
  • Now you can use Firebase in your Vue components by importing the Firebase library and using it to interact with your Firebase project.
  • For example, you could create a new Vue component that uses Firebase to retrieve data from a Firestore collection and display it in a table:
      <tr v-for="item in items">
        <td>{{ }}</td>
        <td>{{ item.price }}</td>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: []
  created() {
    this.db = firebase.firestore();
    this.db.collection("items").get().then((querySnapshot) => {
      querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {

Note: To use Firebase Firestore, you also need to set up the Firestore rules to allow read/write access from your application. You can do this in the Firebase console, under the Firestore tab.

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